Hi YEG Soccer friends

As you may have heard the Sports Fields in Edmonton are closed until May 12th. The usual opening date for the Sports Fields is May 1st. Being that our season only consists of May and June, this is problematic for the hundreds of games that have to be played by the end of June.

We received an email from EMSA (http://www.emsamain.com) today:

We love this approach, reaching out to the grassroots community to make things happen. We do have a few reservations though. Councillor and Alderman are the same. MLA’s nor the province have jurisdiction over Sports Field availability. BUT this engagement with the community is an excellent direction.

The City produced a memo explaining their Sports Field Closure date and policy with an important note:

If conditions stay warm and dry and field conditions improve, we will open the fields sooner. However, we don’t want to be in a position of disappointing or confusing people by continually pushing back opening dates.

So while the field closures are devastating to the beginning of the already intense, short and exhausting soccer season – the city does not control the weather and a measured and careful approach to promising the thousands of soccer families a date is probably warranted.

See you all on the pitch soon!

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